Building a resilient ecological network of conserved areas across Europe for nature and people.
Funded by: HORIZON-IA (2021 call).
Role: Researcher (postdoc).
My work includes: developing connectivity models, work with stakeholders, collaborate with international (research) institutes and supervise students.
More info here
Short-term Scientific Mission (CA18201)
The effect of climate and plant cover on the population dynamics of Dracocephalum austriacum,
Funded by: the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (eCOST).
Role: P.I.
Work included: Develop population models, forecast populations under climate change, assist in annual population census and data collection, and write and publish
Major collaborations; Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) & German Centre for Integrative
Biodiversity Research (iDiv).