
8 Nov. 2023 - European Ecological Forecasting Initiative

  • Title: “Climate driver timing and population dynamics”
  • Recording was made and should be available at some point here


  1. Oral presentation: Including different time frames for climate drivers, and why it matters for population dynamics – Evers, S.M. (Presenter), Knight T.M., Inouye, D., Miller, T., Salguero-Gómez, R., Iler, A., & Compagnoni, A.
    - Evolutionary Demography Society Annual Meeting (03/2023; Paris, France)
  2. Workshop co-organizer and presenter: Analysis and interpretation of stagestructured population models via RCOMPADRE, Rage, and ipmR – Gascoigne, S., Spacey, O., Evers, S.M., Compagnoni, A., Levin, S., Workman, A., Salguero-Gómez, R. & Jones, O.R.
    • Evolutionary Demography Society Annual Meeting (03/2023; Paris, France)
  3. Main organizer and presenter pre-conference workshop: An introduction to modelling and synthesizing Integral Projection Models using the R packages ipmR and Rpadrino – Evers, S.M., Levin, S., Workman, A., Compagnoni, A., Potter, T., Childs, D., Salguero-Gómez, R. & Knight, T.M.
    • SFE² GFÖ EEF International Conference on Ecological Sciences (11/2022 Metz, France)
    • Travel supported through the iDiv Female Scientist Career Fund
  4. Poster presentation: Immediate and lagged responses to climate can benefit or hinder populations – Evers, S.M. (Presenter), Knight, T.M. & Compagnoni, A.
    • SFE² GFÖ EEF International Conference on Ecological Sciences (11/2022 Metz, France)
  5. Poster presentation: Immediate and lagged responses to climate can benefit or hinder populations – Evers, S.M. (Presenter), Knight, T.M. & Compagnoni, A.
    • German centre for integrative biodiversity Research (iDiv) Annual Conference (04/2022 – Online, Leipzig, Germany)
    • Poster award (1st place)
  6. Workshop co-organizer and presenter: Analysis and interpretation of stagestructured population models via RCOMPADRE, Rage, and ipmR. - Levin, S., Evers, S.M., Childs, D. …. Salguero-Gómez, R.
    – British Ecological Society (BES) and Société Française d’Écologie et d’Évolution (SFE2) Joint Annual meeting (12/2021 – Liverpool, UK)
  7. Oral presentation: Vital rates responding to different temporal climatic windows provide buffering for populations in an increasingly variable world – Evers, S.M. (Presenter), Knight, T.M., Compagnoni, A.
    • Ecological society of America Annual Meeting (06/2021 – Online)
  8. Oral presentation: Are we timing it right? Lagged and dormant-season climate predicts vital rates in perennial plants better than growing season climate – Evers, S.M. (Presenter), Knight T.M., Inouye, D., Miller, T., Salguero-Gómez, R., Iler, A., & Compagnoni, A.
    • British Ecological Society Annual Meeting (12/2020 – Online)
    • The Anne Keymer Talk Prize (Runner up 2020)